
Airmic is the association for everyone responsible for risk management and insurance for their organisation. The aim of the association is to provide a platform for these professionals to network, access educational resources and attend events to pursue professional development. Airmic has a strong heritage and has worked hard to build long-standing relationships with members since being established in 1963. Airmic offers a variety of membership types, from individual to group offerings, and has around 1,400 individual members and 400 corporate members.
Key Results
Transitioned from a manual renewal process to member self-service
Saw increased
user adoption
Easily provide personalised experiences with Fonteva's reports and dashboards
The Challenge
Having experienced a period of growth, Airmic had outgrown their legacy CRM system which was not able to support its plans of expanding services and increasing strategies to engage members now and in the future. The legacy system could not handle the complexities of AIRMIC’s subscriptions and the team were also relying on integrating other siloed databases to support their membership model.
Member renewals and communications relied entirely on the manual work of an individual, the Membership Coordinator, who was tasked with speaking to members on a one-to-one basis for renewals. With 1,400 members this was understandably a significant, time-consuming and manual task. Under this system, scaling membership growth would not be feasible for one person to maintain.
There was also a challenge with ensuring the content being produced for members was relevant. As Matt Goldsmith, Airmic Digital Manager, states, “our association has such a diverse network with members from all walks of life, all ages, all skill bases, and all company types so all of our content isn’t relevant to every member”. Goldsmith wanted to find a solution which could support the continuation of a personal experience personalised for with members while reducing manual work with automated processes.
The Solution
Airmic identified Salesforce as it’s platform of choice because of its data insights and ability to have a 360-degree view of their association. Fonteva was selected to enable membership management as a native Salesforce application which avoided costly integrations. The highly configurable nature of Fonteva and Salesforce allowed the Airmic team to achieve the functionality they required.
Previously, at the time of the member renewal period, members would call the Airmic team who would then have to manually update subscriptions and process the financial documents. This was a highly stressful period for the team which required a significant amount of dedication, with the risk of human errors. With the benefits of automation, the renewal process is simplified by automating steps needed to be taken by staff to complete a task. A key accomplishment achieved by Airmic was shifting the manual, staff intensive renewal process to a solution with easy steps for members to complete themselves through self-service.
Matt Goldsmith, Airmic Digital Manager
The Bottom Line
Goldsmith advises anyone going through digital transformation to map out the journey and plan out processes. Choosing the right consultation and implementation partners are crucial to the success of your digitisation. Goldsmith also suggests taking full advantage of Salesforce and Fonteva training which is “extremely valuable and certainly helps with dealing with issues without having to contact support.”
Ultimately, all of Airmic’s plans relate to increasing their operational efficiency. By saving the Airmic team’s time, they can focus on their targets, improve the member experience and continue to grow, both membership and value delivered. Thanks to the ability of Fonteva to scale with their growth, there are no concerns about inadequate infrastructure as growth continues. Airmic is no longer reliant on manual processes, isolated by multiple systems, nor held back by a lack of self-servicing. “You could meander on by using various other add-ons but to get them all in one package, you’d need really to have Fonteva Membership”, says Goldsmith. Airmic can now achieve the member experience it has longed to deliver, with the help of automation that saves time for both members and staff.