The Florida Bar
The Florida Bar is the organization of all lawyers licensed by the Supreme Court of Florida to practice law in the state, and is dedicated to serving the needs of its over 100,000 members and all Floridians by ensuring the highest standards of legal professionalism in the state of Florida.
Key Results
Increased user adoption
Quickly and easily manage member data and process payments
Staff quickly and easily running their own reports
The Challenge
The Florida Bar supports the law and legal professionals in the Sunshine State by providing its members with practice management assistance and tools, continuing legal education, resources and seminars, and valuable networking opportunities so they can better serve their clients.
But in existence for nearly 70 years and with over 100,000 members to serve, outdated legacy systems were an inconvenient fact of life, and had become so deeply entrenched in how The Florida Bar conducted business that the idea of digital transformation seemed difficult to impossible for many.
Ready for a modern platform to serve its modern security, payment processing, and membership engagement needs, The Florida Bar turned to Fonteva, and its Salesforce-based association platform.
The Solution
Fonteva started by working directly side-by-side with The Florida Bar to understand its unique member engagement, data management, security, and event registration needs in order to implement the ideal association management platform that would enable The Florida Bar to confidently bring their operations into the modern digital age.
“We were using very old tools. We couldn’t change. We couldn’t do anything. Everything was homegrown, because we had needed it before it existed,” says Richard Ramsey, Chief Information Officer at The Florida Bar. “We were still using an IBM AS/400 for some things, because people had used these tools their whole careers.”
All that changed with the Fonteva Platform. Built totally native to Salesforce, the world’s leading CRM, The Florida Bar can now quickly and easily manage member data, process payments, manage event registrations, and feel confident in the security of its sensitive member information.
Richard Ramsey, Chief Information Officer at The Florida Bar
The Bottom Line
Today, we’ve got 140 users and just about all of them are running their own reports in Fonteva.” says Ramsey.
And with many different membership levels ranging from active attorneys to paralegals, each with their own permissions, available resources, and membership fees, The Florida Bar uses Badges, available in the Fonteva Platform, to easily and automatically manage them all. Combine that with the thousands of technology connectors available via the Salesforce AppExchange, and The Florida Bar’s event registration, marketing, and follow-up workflows now mean each event is driving far more value than ever before.
“We used to have highly skilled professionals chasing down pennies for weeks,” Ramsey says. “Now, our employees are empowered. They can do what they want, whenever they need.”
Looking to the future, Ramsey and The Florida Bar plan to bring even more of their workflows onto the Fonteva Platform to optimize and automate them, freeing up his team to do even more and serve their members better.
That’s bringing the power of digital transformation to the law. That’s Fonteva.